Live AMALA Blog

My Journey

My Journey

Audio Version Since I was 8-years-old, I can remember feeling insecure about my weight and body image. As I grew older, these insecurities grew into a constant plague of comparison. I was never smart enough, never thin enough, never athletic...

Cord Cutting: Energetic Freedom In 10 Minutes

Cord Cutting: Energetic Freedom In 10 Minutes

As we move through life, we experience certain relationships in which we can get energetically hooked or entangled. This type of relationship can happen with a family member, a lover, or even a stranger. We all have energy cords that can easily...

Ground, Clear, & Protect Your Energy

Ground, Clear, & Protect Your Energy

Audio Version Get the 5 minute Ground, Clear, Protect Meditation When we can’t see something it makes it hard to pin down and explain.  This is the case with energy. Energy is so personal, it’s always changing, it can be described in many ways...

How To Discover Your Intuition: The Lost Language

How To Discover Your Intuition: The Lost Language

Audio Version Discover Your Intuition Exercise Audio Version Listening to our intuition is a lost art for so many of us. It took me years to come back to my roots, to not only rebuild my connection back with myself but to trust her. Because it’s...

What Is Live Amala?

What Is Live Amala?

Audio Version Defining Your Amala. Definition: Sanskrit word for pure. The paths to authentic beauty and wellness, which are intimately connected, must take place on three levels simultaneously – in the mind, body, and soul.  Living AMALA is a...