Cord Cutting: Energetic Freedom In 10 Minutes

February 12, 2025

As we move through life, we experience certain relationships in which we can get energetically hooked or entangled. This type of relationship can happen with a family member, a lover, or even a stranger. We all have energy cords that can easily attach to others. In the same way, other people can attach their energy cords to us. Whenever there is an energetic connection, good or bad, there is a cord attachment. If you notice that a person has (or you have) an attachment that is unhealthy, draining, or overpowering, if they occupy a lot of your mental capacity or even come into your dreams frequently, you can be sure there is a cord that needs to be detached. 

I’ve had to do this with ex boyfriends. They would frequently enter my dreams – not in a weird or sexual way at all. They would just be there, or the dream itself might be something surrounding them. And because I didn’t have the best relationships with them, I really didn’t want them in my mental conscious awake space let alone my sacred dream space. As soon as I cut the cord they have not appeared in my dreams since. 

Once the cord is cut, you will no longer be energetically attached to that person, and you will free up your field for more energy to enter. The next audio is a guided visualization meditation that culminates with the cutting of the cord.

Find your energetic freedom and cut the unnecessary cords that have been draining your energy.